Why is it that successful people are able to live the lives that most of us dream of? You could say that they are just more skilled and talented than you are. This information is false. You could say they are where they are because of money. This information is also false. You could even say that they just so happen to be extremely lucky. This information is absurdly false. Most people who are successful in today's society are looked up to and are symbols whom inspire us to want to live their life. It is important to have a bigger picture in your mind and to see yourself living the life that you desire. Although, it is necessary to realize that "there is no life that's better than yours" -J Cole. So many adolescents today wish that they had a certain persons life or they wish that they had that one celebrities personality. People all over the world follow the trends that famous people leave behind. It's okay to admire someone who is more successful than you, but it never okay to wish to be them. There is a quote that pertains to this situation from a very well known author and motivational speaker as follows: "Never wish your life were easier, wish that you were better" -Jim Rohn. It is easy to look up to someone who has "made it" and say wow I'd do anything to be them. It was much harder to look into the mirror and affirm to yourself that no matter what circumstances you face in life, you will make it. Becoming the greatest possible version of yourself takes practice, discipline, effort, patience, and belief. The people who have "made it" know that if you wish to become successful in life than you must put in the work and you must believe in yourself. No millionaire has ever made any kind of profit from sitting on the couch drinking a beer and watching Netflix. Humans are creatures of habit so it is important tune into your daily rituals and steer them in the direction of where you wish to go. No one has gotten anywhere in life moping around all day waiting for someone to fix their problems. You must believe in yourself, or no one else will. You must see yourself where you want to be in your mind and then put some massive action behind it. Go email that company. Go start that new business venture you've always pictured you could have. Go create that video or go take that picture. Go follow your gut. Wherever you want to be, turn your life in that direction and just go. Everyone wants the lifestyle, but nobody wants to put the work in.


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