How to overcome fear

     Fear is defined as: an unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous, likely to cause pain, or a threat. Looking at this definition, you can take away the belief that fear is an emotion, just as anger, hate, happiness, joy, or love. These feelings are indicators of what type of emotions we are experiencing in that current moment. When you become more aware of what you are feeling or what state you are in, you have the ability to shift your focus which allows you to change that state. For example, if you wish to feel loved instead of lonely, focus on what you have to be grateful for. Really focus on the true meaning of your existence and what thoughts and actions have put you in the current state you are in. Acknoglbe that YOU have the ability to change how you feel. Stop focusing on what could go wrong and start focusing on what could go right. Don't let your mind drift back to the negative, low-enrgey thinking patterns. Do not focus on the negative as it will only attract more of what you don't want. Act as if you are where you want to be and you already have what you desire. Emerse yourself in a environment that accommodates the emotional state you wish to be in. Only allow things of positive nature to enter your mind as you wish to change your behaviors. Do not think fearful thoughts as this will diminish your chances at accomplishing your dreams. Have your dreams be so large that people will laugh at them and see them as impossible. Do not let fear control your limiting beliefs as the people who laughed already have. You set your own limitations, do not let the opinion of someone else drown out your own. "The only thing we have to fear is fear itself." -FDR


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