What types of questions are you asking yourself?

     What types of questions are you asking yourself on a daily basis? For example if you are having a hard day at work or you get a parking ticket, you may find your self asking, "why me god?". This low energy question will only keep you in a state of resistance. If you wish to better your life or react to situations in a more positive way, then you must ask yourself questions such as, "well today doesn't seem to be going my way, what changes can I make to ensure my day becomes more enjoyable?" We are asking ourselves questions 24/7. We just don't realize this because 95% of your daily tasks are controlled by the subconscious mind. When you choose your outfit for the day, when you pick up your toothbrush to brush your teeth, when you are driving, and when you chose to click on this blog post, your subconscious mind was at work. It is important to pay attention to the types of questions you let into your mind, because this will create a habit of standing guard in the mental space, which will allow you to monitor the state you are in. Sad, angry, and fearful emotions leave you in a state of low energy. Happiness, joy, and gratitude are the types of emotions that will leave you in a high energy state. Low energy vibrates at a much lower frequency compared to high energy which will leave you vibrating at a much higher frequency and hopefully realign you with your highest self. To be in a state of vibrational harmony aligned with the source creator is often times referred to as inner peace. To find this inner peace, you must be careful of the thoughts you allow into your mind as the ongoing presence of these low energy thoughts will attract more of what you don't want. If you continuously allow the ebb and the flow to happen naturally without resistance, and are able to think abundantly with higher energy thoughts, than you will find your life's desires to be attracted to you. It is up to you to discipline yourself and continuously take notice of your current state and be able to change your thought patterns. No one else can do this for you, as you have total control on what thoughts you allow to enter your mind.


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