Don't ask why me because you are exactly where you're supposed to be

     Sometimes in life you may catch yourself asking, why me God? Now this has probably happened to many of you out there. If you catch yourself saying this then it most likely means you're currently facing a obstacle or going through a rough patch. Don't worry, this happens to virtually everyone on the planet! Life will crack down on you sometimes and things will be difficult to handle. You might find yourself in a financial struggle or a marriage that's on the ropes. No matter what it is, you can still find light at the end of the tunnel as long as you believe you can. It is easy to let life take the wheel and steer you in the wrong direction, but it is up to you (the individual) to take charge and pave a path for your future self. No matter how hard life gets you must NOT let these circumstances control your life. You are the master of your fate. You are the captain of your destiny. You are the creator of all things good and bad. You are the reason your stuck in the same position you've been in for years. You are the only one that can change your life. Take the time to sit down and really think about the purpose of your existence. Find out what life is really about and don't sit here and keep reading hoping I will give you the answer. I don't know the answer. I only know that we are here for a reason, but it is up to you to find that reason...


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