Something Positive

    I began my day with a 15 minute reading session of something positive. I learned that having a full schedule that involves work can become tedious and non-enjoyable. It is essential to put aside some time throughout the day where you can work on yourself instead of your business. One of my most influential mentors, Jim Rohn, taught me that self love and happiness is all that is needed in terms of the spiritual plane. If one believes in themselves and can see a future filled with joy and harmony rather than doubt and worry (fear), then all with manifest to one's desires. This translates to the material plane as well, since the divine source is one with everything. In today's world we see many people focused on the material aspect of the world, especially when it comes to finances. As humans, we have the amazing ability to focus on what we choose. If all your focus is on lack of what you don't have then you will attract more of lack. If all your focus is on abundance, then you will find yourself attracting positive emotions in abundance. In old African stories and proverbs, the ebb and the flow is a term that can be seen many times. The ebb and the flow is life. The ebb and the flow is the divine. We are the divine. Many of us have forgotten who we really are and why we were given the amazing opportunity to be able to live on this earth. The reason many of us have forgotten our purpose is due to social conditioning. It is important to tune your mind into something positivity each day. Is what your watching on TV helping you achieve your divine life purpose? If not turn it off and tune into something that is. Do not resist the ebb and the flow as it will only lead to a sense of unfulfillment. Do what resides within your heart space. Be a light for others to follow that leaves a trail of nothing but love and kindness behind...


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