Who am I?

Who are we? Why are we here? Is there a force that is greater than ourselves? These are questions that are not asked on a regular basis. Why do we steer away from these questions? Are the answers unabtainable or are we just fearful that we may not like the answer we find? As humans we have an unlimited amount of talent and potential. Using our imagination we can do or create anything we desire. The possibilities are endless yet only 2% of our population understands and uses this power that we possess. You do not have to be smart and you sure as hell don't have to be rich. The reason that the number is so low is because the majority of humans lack to see the bigger picture. There is so much more than just us. We are a tiny spec in the infinity that is the universe. If we do not ask ourselves these complicated questions we will never gain access to our full potential. Do not ask simple questions and wish to receive amazing answers. Instead open your mind, change your perspective and dive deep within your soul. The answer to all our questions lies within each and every one of us. Ask yourself, why am I here? What is my purpose? Who am I....?


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