A simple act of kindness can go a long way

     Kindness is defined as a friendly feeling or a favor that is done in way that ego is not present. Humanity as a whole has witnessed many accounts of kindness and the results that come along with it. An act of kindness can never be described as bad or selfish, but can be described as generous and caring. Many people have heard the expression, kill them with kindness. I've taken this expression and put it to use in many situations I've encountered. If I come across a person who is violent or wants to create some sort of chaos I tend to ignore it, but if that is not possible I will not respond to the situation in a negative way due to the fact that it will only create a more negative environment and empower the person to keep going. To be kind is a way of life that only brings about happiness and joy to the party involved. It creates an environment of love and compassion that can be seen through anybody's eyes. When an act of kindness is witnessed it inspires us to pass it along and contribute something positive to the world. No matter how small the gesture is, it is the thought that counts. Being kind is something that we can all do, from the generosity of our hearts. Pass this along to a friend or family member and do your part in helping the world. No matter how small it is, do something for someone else today, but do it because you want to. The feeling you get in return is the greatest reward there is. Spread nothing but peace and love, and always be kind for you never know what someone else is going through.


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