Stop caring about what everybody else thinks about you

     "To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else, is the greatest accomplishment."-Ralph Waldo Emerson
Normally I end these blog posts with a quote, but today just seemed like a day where the inspiration can strike at any moment, hence the quote is in the beginning. Speaking of beginnings, oddly enough I was confronted with a quote today by William James. Even more oddly I just so happened to be studying the man himself in my psychology class. He was a successful philosopher and professor at Harvard University who offered the first ever psychology course. He said, "It is our attitude at the beginning of a difficult task which, more than anything else will affect its successful outcome". The beginning of any task can seem like an extraordinary obstacle to overcome, but as you develop your thinking habits and your attitude, the outcome you desire will manifest. This is why it is so important to not care about what anybody else thinks about you. Everyone in the world has their own opinion, and rightfully so. Each individual perceives things differently, but this does not mean you are right and the other person is wrong. We can live coherently with differences in opinion. This is a concept many humans have not yet figured out, yet its so simplistic! Every physical item in the universe was created by an idea and that idea was created by a human mind. The Macintosh was an idea that was created by Steve Jobs, who then proceeded to put major action behind that idea and manifested the life and business of his dreams. Can you imagine the ridicule and discouragement this man faced everyday? He started Apple in a garage! People must have thought he was crazy making something so out of the box such as a home computer. During this time, the demand for this item was almost non-existent, yet he saw the value in the idea and continued to follow his dreams no matter what he faced. He was basically fired from the company he has started, and he still continued to stay persistent and not allow anyone else's opinion become his own. He focused his mind on the positive and what possibilities he could create instead of putting that focus onto what other people thought which would have most likely made him quit pursuing his dreams. If he had went down that road, the iPod would have never been invented. Stay positive and believe in yourself even if no one else will. Believe in yourself even if other people think your dreams and actions are crazy. Believe in yourself even if you feel that its not working out. Believe in yourself when the times get rough. Believe in yourself when have doubts. Believe that you can be whatever you want to be in a world that is continuously trying to make you something that you are not.


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