The power of a positive mind

     I think it's safe to say that we can all agree on the fact that the world is a crazy place. It is a place full of love, light, and positivity. Unfortunately, it is also a place of hatred, anger, and negativity. I believe that is necessary to have both as it is a representation of the yin and the yang. Even though the yin and the yang represent the masculine and the feminine; they contrast each other in a similar way that positivity and negatively do. The negative people we interact with on a day to day basis are tools to help us grow as individuals on our journey. Every situation creates a reaction, but it is how we react to that situation that represents who we are inside. Never judge a person by appearance, only by character. One my favorite mentors, Bob Ebrst, had said, "Character is what you do when nobody is looking." It is of the utmost importance to develop your character throughout your lifetime and find out who you are and why you are here. To do this, one must develop daily habits and constantly strive to become the greatest version of yourself. It is easy to respond to a negative situation with frustration and anger, but this approach will only give you short term peace, if any. To not respond to a negative situation or person is a task that is much harder to achieve at first, but with patience and practice; you are able to take the positive out of any situation that occurs. With a positive intention and mindset, life will treat you accordingly. A negative mindset will only keep you further from your desires as life will throw at you what you put out to the universe. Being a source of light and love to others is the greatest feeling there is. It is impossible to feel hate and love at the same time. Love will overpower hate each and every time. We should ask ourselves, what are we doing to contribute to the world; and how do I want to be known when I leave this life. Dwell on this question and find the answer within yourself, I promise that it's there. "To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment." -Ralph Waldo Emerson


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