Trust your intuition

     Have you ever heard of the phrase "follow your gut"? That gut feeling or gut instinct you have is actually of power of intention flowing through you. The universe will give you indications and signs about what is true to your life purpose. Our intuition is always in action, especially when we are confronted with a difficult decision. Whether you are brushing your teeth, opening your car door, or even waking up, the power of intention is doing its work. We were were 1 of millions and millions of sperm that magically manifested into a material form. The spirit of intention has been inside of us ever since that sperm cell was created, and it has brought us everything we have ever experienced.
      I often tell myself in times of doubt or worry that everything happens for a reason. No one shows up into your life on accident; there is always a higher purpose behind the scenes doing its magic. There was an intent for you to meet that person at that exact time and moment. It is important to realize and process this information because if you don't, the beauty of the process that is life will go unrecognized. Sometimes, you may find it easier to deal with a certain situation using introspection, the process of looking inside of yourself and describing what's there. Successful people often look to a story of someone who has had a much harder hand at life than themselves whom have made an incredible change of some sort, whether that be a financially, emotionally, or a major heath breakthrough. Some sort of shitty obstacle that that person had to overcome, they will empathize with them and realize how much they really have to be grateful for. This will create a sense of belief, gratitude, and a burning desire to want to impact the world in a positive way.
     However, many people neglect their power. They neglect their ability to connect with the power of intention. As this starts to become a continuous habit, it will lead to self-pity. Some people feel they have no way to be happy, and others feel they will never find a purpose. These people often become depressed, anxious, or even suicidal. They also neglect to acknowledge that they even have an intention. Everyone can connect to it in a matter of seconds. All you have to do is change your state. Once you change your state, and you become consciously aware of your feelings, then you will be able to change it by shifting those thoughts, actions, and feelings. Do not focus on the negative. Do not focus on what could go wrong. Do not focus on the past. Do not focus on the future. Instead, become consciously aware of what you are feeding your mind everyday. Become aware of what you are feeding your body, and become aware of what you are feeding your soul. "When you dance, your purpose is not to get to a certain place on the floor. It's to enjoy each step along the way." - Dr. Wayne Dyer


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