What will you contribute to human kind?

The power of the mind is absolutely incredible. As human beings we have the power to change our lives if we change our thoughts. Ever been around someone who complains a lot? Do they tell you how bad their day was and everything that went wrong? You hope that their lives turn around and theirs days become better but nothing seems to change.  This is a result of a negative mindset that is centered and focused on fear and anger. Anyone who complains about anything has their mind focused on the negative instead of the positive. It is impossible to be grateful while at the same time being angry. Western society has turned minuscule problems into titanic ones. People from all over the world would give anything to be able to live the lives that we live. We take so much for granted nowadays and don't give thanks for the simplistic parts of our everyday lives. In some countries, famine is a big deal, in the US, not being able to get home in time to watch the football game is a big deal. Western society has made it a habit to overlook the most important aspects of life such as water, food, light, shelter, clothes, etc. In many countries, there isn't access to these necessities of life. Although they lack in food, water, and shelter; many eastern countries display a strong sense of kindness, humility, and love. They have an abundant amount of love which keeps them alive. Without the material world in play, these poorer countries enable the people to focus within. The power within is abundant and infinite. Whatever your religion is, God didn't intend for us to hate, kill, or rape. God made us out of the same thing he/she/it was made of, love. Love is the most powerful force in the universe, and once you look deep inside your soul, you will find an infinite supply of it. It flows freely and is inside of everyone. When we overlook the simplistic aspects of life we forget how amazing gratitude is. When we are grateful for what we have, we attract more to be grateful for. Inside our mind is amazing untapped potential. Some have gained access to these powers through forms of mediation, positive affirmations, gratitude, and love. Focus on what you desire, see it as already accomplished and execute. Everyone has the power to change their lives, even in a poor country with economic and political problems.  Although, it is a much more difficult road to go down; but that's why we have to come together and help our brothers and sisters in need. We are all one big family, one race, one love. Please help yourself by helping those in need, and watch your life transform. Here is a link to help support African children in need. Please do your part in helping humanity. When life is coming to an end for you and you look back, what will YOU have contributed to the world?http://www.savethechildren.org/site/c.8rKLIXMGIpI4E/b.8197811/k.31C7/Helping_Starving_African_Children.htm
