Why don't we use our imagination anymore?

     It's agreeable to say that children often have a very active imagination. Sometimes, people might say that the child's imagination is really out there or it disregards reality. Everyone's reality is actually different. The reality you have of an occurring situation can be seen differently by someone else. This  is true because everyone on earth has their own perception of how things work. It might be very evident to some that there are many issues related to U.S. politics, but the same issue can be viewed differently by others. Some people may see the situation not as a issue, but as an opportunity for growth and achievement of a greater society, while others view it as a problem that they continue to contribute towards. A different perspective can create emotions that contribute towards your life's desires. By using this tool and by using your imagination, the possibilities are endless. Only you have the power to untapp that unlimited potential to create what ever you desire. When activating the imagination, you gain access to un-limiting beliefs. This is why meditation is used by many successful people around the world. Meditation allows anger, hate, and greed to collapse into the darkness while love, hope, and happiness comes to light. It is a way to clear the mind and allow thoughts to flow subconsciously and consciously, without hesitation or resistance. Children seem to be happy because they are, and because they know the secret. Of course children have no real responsibilities other than school, but they see life as it is meant to be lived and they don't allow negative thoughts to hider the beauty of their imagination. They ultimately live in a state of pure joy, which is what most of you are looking for. In order to be in this state as well, use your imagination. Don't think of it as silly or let the opinions of others stand in your way of happiness. Act as if you were a kid again, letting go of all worries in the world. Have trust in the benevolence of the universe, and use your imagination to create the life you've always dreamt of living.


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